Importance of CRM for Every Business

    Whether you are a CRM expert or looking to implement a CRM for the first time, it is widely understood the importance of using a CRM for your business. In fact, according to SmallBizGenius, 91% of business with 10 or more employees use a CRM. That number should be proof enough that if you want to be successful, CRM is a tool you should seriously consider implementing for you team.  

    A CRM is used to build strategies on how to manage relationships with your customers and your potential customers. The technology and features within a CRM application allow teams to define workflow processes that allow it to become customer centric. An article from Visma Blog defines three areas of importance of a CRM application.  


    1. Customer-centricity in business processes pays off 

    Customer centricity can increase the productivity of all departments using a CRM including, Sales, Support, and Marketing. Improved visibility of data between marketing and sales promotes better lead qualification which limits the time a lead spends progressing through the sales funnel. This increase in production means more qualified leads are being contact which in turn improves deals closing. Customer centricity helps improve customer support productivity as well. The support team has access to the customer’s sales history and likewise, the sales team has access to the support history. This 360-degree view of first point of contact through customer support helps all teams understand a customer and can provide better support, improving customer satisfaction.  


    2. CRM increases an organization’s agility and flexibility 

    Think of the CRM as the backbone of your system for your internal processes. A CRM has the capability to integrate with the other sales-boosting tools you use. So, while a CRM may not be the only application you are using, it should have every other application flowing into it to improve data accuracy and workflows. These integrations with your CRM allow you to easily adapt to changes in your business processes. Most CRM’s can connect via API or through third party integrations like Zapier. The flexibility a CRM has in relation to its integrations allows it to be the cornerstone of your internal business processes.  


    3. Analytics first, then AI. CRM is an enabler 

    A final benefit of a CRM application is that it stores all customer data in one easy-to-use application. The quality of the data is in the hands of those entering it, but with the right practices and quality checks in place, a CRM should be your company’s trusted database. That being said, with quality data in your CRM comes quality analytics and insights. CRM applications provide analytics of your data with visuals and interactive reports to help you understand your data. Not only do CRM applications provide insights into your data, AI infused CRM’s can help you predict when a lead will convert into an opportunity or when an opportunity is likely to close.  

    If you put the time into implementing and maintaining a clean, quality-driven CRM the benefits you will reap are endless. If you already have a CRM in place, what measures do you take to ensure quality data in your system? If you are not currently using a CRM what are some factors keeping you from implementing one? What features or benefits of a CRM do you find most important? Reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., we’d love to chat! 


    AMPED is a CRM application designed to improve user productivity for all teams including sales, marketing, and support. Its easy-to-use interface and robust allows reps to be productive every time they login to AMPED. Reps can even be productive on the road with our mobile app, available in iOS and Android.  

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